Single Serving Tomato Rice

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I am using cherry tomatoes to make this single serving tomato rice instead of a whole tomato like this.

I love this recipe.  It is no more difficult than making steam plain white rice.

I have also used this recipe for making cheese baked rice.  Simply put the cooked seasoned rice in an baking dish, top with grated mozzarella cheese, pop into a toaster or oven till the cheese melt.


- 1 cup rice
- 1 cup of water*
- 8 cherry tomatoes
- Pinch of salt
- Dash of black pepper
- 1 teaspoon olive oil
- 2 tablespoons grated cheddar cheese
- Pinch of teaspoon dried sweet basil


01. Wash and drain rice.

02. * Remove 1 tablespoon of water from the cup of water.  In a small pot, add rice, water, pepper, salt and olive oil. Stir to mix well.

03. Cut a cross slit on tomato base.  Arrange the tomatoes in the center of the pot.

04. Cover the pot and let the rice cook over a small-medium fire for about 8 minutes.

05. Turn off the heat when all the water has been absorbed by the rice.  Let the pot of rice sit undisturbed in the covered pot for another 10 minutes.

06. With a spatula, toss and mix the tomato and rice well.  Serve immediately.

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