Facebook Pages To Stalk For Some Holiday Outdoor Activities

fb pages I follow for holiday actitivies // mono+co

I went through this post written back in 2013 to look out for upcoming holiday activities, and found that I need to update two broken links.  Another update that is long overdue is SSO’s 2014/15 event calendar in pdf.

For the past year, I have found myself relying more on facebook pages where event shoutouts are very quickly updated, and also swiftly become outdated when limited seats to popular events are often filled up within matter of a few hours.  It’s so convenient to browse through these event updates through FB that I have even created my own page here to save and take note of these interesting events happening around the island.

Here are first few pages that I am following with my new account.

National Museums :
I love the fact that the events happening at all the museums are updated on one website, but with the FB page, I get to see some behind the scenes stories plus sneak peak on upcoming exhibits.  It also serves as a reminder to visit exhibitions that are on its tail end period.

NParks :
I have previously written that its website is only great for trail maps and general information, but not event updates.  Little did I know that the FB page here has been buzzing with lots of activities.
I still follow Botanic Gardens’ FB page separately for the frequent updates on the park.

Pulau Ubin:
30 November is Pulau Ubin Day (I never knew that!), I am not sure if the page will still be updated after that, but in the meantime, I having fun browsing through the various activities leading up to the event.

National Library :
Strictly speaking, the library is not considered as a venue for outdoor activities, but the kids still need to read their books during the school holidays, so it is inevitable that we will end up at the library pretty often.  I might as well check out the events held at various branches since we can return our borrowed books at any branch.  Actually the branches manage their own FB pages, so it will be useful to follow the ones that you live nearby, I listed most of them here.
Otherwise follow GoArts, which I think is the FB page for GoLibrary.

Are there any other FB pages that I am missing out?

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